CEDV Santifontaine | France | | CEDV Santifontaine, 8 rue de Santifontaine, 54000 Nancy, France | Teachers of IVIs | 03 83 90 88 00 | | www.santifontaine.fr/ | |
Celia Library for the Visually Impaired | Finland | Jakobstad | Pratsam Oy Ab, Sven Dufvankatu 1, FI-68600 Pietarsaari, FINLAND | Association for individuals with blindness | +358 (0) 6 7210 205 | info@pratsam.com | www.pratsam.com/celia-library-for-the-visually-impaired-reference.html | |
Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind ‘Agios Varnavas’ | Cyprus | | | Teachers of IVIs | | | http://eid-scholi-tyflon-lef.schools.ac.cy/ | |
Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind (C.E.R.B.) | Greece | | El. Venizelou 210 & Spartis, 176 75 Kallithea, Greece | Teachers of IVIs | | info@keat.gr | www.keat.gr | |
Center for Job Promotion Düren gGmbH | Germany | Düren | Karl-Arnold-Str. 132-134 , 52349 Düren, Germany | Other | 02421 598-100 | info@bfw-dueren.de | www.bfw-dueren.de | |
Center for Job Promotion Halle (Saale) gGmbH | Germany | Halle | Bugenhagenstraße 30, 06110 Halle (Saale), Germany | Other | 0345 1334-0 | info@bfw-halle.de | www.bfw-halle.de | |
Center for Job Promotion Würzburg | Germany | | | Other | | | www.bfw-wuerzburg.de | |
Center for Self-Determined Life Disabled e.V. | Germany | Erlangen | Luitpoldstraße 42/44 | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | | | https://www.zsl-erlangen.de | |
Center of technical aid for disabled people under Ministry of Social security and Labour | Lithuania | Vilnius | Mindaugas st. 42 A-1, LT-01311, Vilnius, Lithuania | Other | (85) 272 1106 | centras@tpnc.lt | http://www.tpnc.lt/ | |
Central Association for Disabled People in Central Hungary | Hungary | Vác | Rákóczi út 36., 2600, Vác, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-27-502-660 | mkmore@invitel.hu | www.mozgasserultek.hu | |
Centre de Réeducation Le Clos-Chauveau | France | | | Association for individuals with blindness | | | http://www.lespep.org/ | |
Centre Plati, Pôle Médico-Psychologique pour Enfants et Adolescents | Monaco | | | Governmental Organisations (eg. directorates/secreteriats of Ministries of Education etc.) | | | https://service-public-particuliers.gouv.mc/Social-sante-et-famille/Etablissements/Sante/Pole-Medico-Psychologique-pour-Enfants-et-Adolescents | |
Chime Headquarters | Ireland | Dublin | 35 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1, Ireland | Association for individuals with deafness | +(353) (0)1 8175700 | info@chime.ie | https://www.chime.ie | |
City Association of hearing impaired Leipzig (SVHGL) | Germany | Leipzig | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 77 | Association for individuals with deafness | 0341 / 912 48 00 | kontakt@deafs-leipzig.de | https://www.deafs-leipzig.de | |
City of Hatvan and its Neighborhood Association of Disabled People | Hungary | Hatvan | Kossuth tér. 2., 3000, Hatvan, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-37-342-922 | info@hvkme.hu | www.hvkme.hu | |
Civic Advocacy Network of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities | Hungary | Budapest | Lónyay u. 19., Budapest, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | (06-1) 217-8100 | | http://www.cehalozat.hu | |
Comenius University | Slovakia | Bratislava | Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Mlynská dolina, FMFI, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia | Higher Education Institute with unit for individuals with disabilities | +42260295166 | mendelova@fmph.uniba.sk | https://fmph.uniba.sk/en/admissions/special-needs-students/ | STUDENT SUPPORT AND SERVICES |
Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Baden-Württemberg | Germany | | | Governmental Organisations (eg. directorates/secreteriats of Ministries of Education etc.) | | | http://www.sozialministerium-bw.de/ | |
Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Bavaria | Germany | Munich | Winzerer Straße 9, 80797 München, Germany | Governmental Organisations (eg. directorates/secreteriats of Ministries of Education etc.) | 089 1261-2799 | Behindertenbeauftragter@stmas.bayern.de | http://www.behindertenbeauftragte.bayern.de/ | |
Commissioner for the Disabled of the State of Berlin | Germany | Berlin | Oranienstraße 106, 10969 Berlin, Germany | Governmental Organisations (eg. directorates/secreteriats of Ministries of Education etc.) | (030) 9028-2918 | lfb@senias.berlin.de | http://www.berlin.de/lb/behi/ | |