
To achieve the aims of the project 8 project results and 4 multiplier events will be delivered.
The first part of HEDforALL involves research conducted on end users, namely SwD, teaching staff and accessibility advisors. Studies will involve as participants at least 120 members of teaching staff and accessibility advisors (30 accessibility advisors and 90 members of teaching staff) from Higher Education Institutes and at least 100 SwD with visual, hearing, physical/mobility impairments and learning difficulties. The research studies will be conducted with the participation of different groups of SwD, based on the type of their disability, and will investigate their needs in adapted accessible educational materials regarding the different subjects/courses taught in higher education and the needs created to them by distance education. Moreover, it will focus on the knowledge and experience that teaching staff and accessibility advisors of SwD have, regarding adapted educational materials and application of DE to SwD, in order to determine their training needs.
The second part of the project involves the design and development of adapted educational material and its assessment by SwD regarding accessibility, usability and educational efficacy. In addition, it will focus on the implementation of pilot DE courses and assessment on their adequacy, satisfaction and learning results. Furthermore, this part involves the development of an online repository of accessible educational material of different subjects that will act as a single point of reference to be used by educators and any interested party.
Lastly the third part of the project involves the implementation of multiplier events and activities for sharing and promoting the project results. This part of the project focuses on informational/educational sessions in each partner country and internationally of teaching staff and accessibility advisors in order to build capacity and professional development on ways of making digital education more accessible and inclusive. Sharing and promoting actions and sustainability activities, along with the targeted effort to align this project with specific EU initiatives for safeguarding inclusive digital learning opportunities will be reinforced.