“Hegyalja Kapuja” Association of Disabled People | Hungary | Szerencs | Rákóczi út 94., Szerencs, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-47-361-682 | mozgkorl@szerencs.hu | | |
“Helping Hand” Association of Disabled People | Hungary | Mindszent | Vörösmarty u. 3., Mindszent, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-70-595-9450 | kovacsverus@citromail.hu | | |
“Together for Young People” Association of Disabled People | Hungary | Mindszent | Ludas u. 29., Mindszent, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-30-546-1332 | szobacsis@tanet.hu | | |
Aalborg University | Denmark | Aalborg | Special Educational Support (SPS),Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9220 Aalborg East – Denmark | Higher Education Institute with unit for individuals with disabilities | +4599409430 | sps@aau.dk | https://www.en.aau.dk/education/su | Special Educational Support (SPS) |
Aarhus University | Denmark | Aarhus | Special Educational Support (SPS) Office, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 5, DK-8000 Aarhus C., Denmark | Higher Education Institute with unit for individuals with disabilities | +4587162720 | sps@au.dk | https://international.au.dk/life/studentscomingtoau/prepareyourarrival/specialneeds | Counselling and Support Centre |
ABMM Maladies Neuromusculaires | Belgium | La Louviere | Rue Achille Chavée, 52/02 – 7100 La Louvière, Belgium | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 064/45.05.24 | info@abmm.be | http://www.abmm.be/ | |
Accesstech | Switzerland | | | Designer of O&M aids | | | http://www.accesstech.ch | |
Action for Blind People | United Kingdom | | | Association for individuals with blindness | | | www.actionforblindpeople.org.uk/ | |
ACTION KNOWLEDGE TRAINING FOR DEAFNESS | France | Paris | 11 rue de Clichy 75009 Paris | Association for individuals with deafness | 09 50 24 27 87 | contact@acfos.org | http://www.acfos.org | |
Active Association of People with Disabilities | Hungary | Veszprém | Jutasi u. 63/c., 8200, Veszprém, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-20-977-3550 | aktivegyesulet@aktivegyesulet.hu | www.aktivegyesulet.hu | |
Add Your Hand to the Association of People with Disabilities | Hungary | Mártély | Községház u. 6. , Mártély, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-62-228-003 | addakezed98@freemail.hu | | |
ADV – Visual Disabled Association | Italy | Rome | Via Lima 22, 00198 Roma, ITALY | Association for individuals with deafness | +39 06 85 50 260 | segreteria@disabilivisivi.it | https://www.disabilivisivi.it | |
Ajka Association for the Disabled | Hungary | Ajka | Szabadság tér 12., 8400, Ajka, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-88-521-100 | jusztinne@freemail.hu | | |
ALLIANCE OF ORGANIZATIONS OF DISABLED PEOPLE IN SLOVAKIA | Slovakia | Bratislava | Žabotova 2, Bratislava, Slovakia | Other | | aozpo@stonline.sk | http://www.aozpooz.sk | |
Altéo ASBL | Belgium | Brussels | Chaussée de Haecht 579/40 – 1031 Bruxelles, Belgium | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 02/246.42.26 | alteo@mc.be | http://www.alteoasbl.be | |
Alternative Association of Disabled People of Szeged | Hungary | Szeged | Veresács u. 17/b , Szeged, Hungary | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 06-62-444-897 | szma@t-online.hu | | |
AMAA Association West Attica | Greece | Athens | Nikolaïdou 35, Palio Dimarcheio, Athens, Greece | Association for individuals with motor disabilities | 210-5541302 | vaggokako@yahoo.gr | | |
Andragoški center Republike Slovenije | Slovenia | | | Other | | | http://www.acs.si/ | |
Anne Sullivan Centre | Ireland | | | Association for individuals with blindness | | | | |
APASCIDE – Spanish Association of Parents of Deafblind People | Spain | | Jeronima Llorente 68-4.C, 28039 MADRID, SPAIN | Association for individuals with blindness | + 34 450 93 07 | | http://www.deafblind.com/europe.html#APASCIDE%20-%20Spanish%20Association%20of%20Parents%20of | |