During the project, eight Project Results are expected, as described below.
RES1. Study: Needs and requirements of SwD. A Report on the identification of the needs of higher education SwD (visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments, learning difficulties) in accessible educational materials regarding different subjects/courses taught in higher education.
RES2. Study: Knowledge and experience and skills of Teaching staff and Accessibility Advisors. A Report on the existing knowledge and experience of teaching staff and accessibility advisors in relation to various forms of accessible materials. The report will present their training needs regarding the use and development of accessible educational materials and the provision of accessible DE courses.
RES3. Development of accessible educational material AND development of Accessible Material Guide. Development (in two steps, i.e., a first release and a final release) of the most suitable accessible educational materials for SwD in terms of accessibility, usability and educational efficacy through the evaluation study of end-user requirements, effectiveness and satisfaction. Development of an “Accessible Material Guide” for the production of adapted accessible educational materials.
RES4. Study: Evaluation of educational material by SwD. Assessment/ Evaluation of the educational materials based on their accessibility, usability and educational efficacy.
RES5. Pilot implementation of accessible distance education courses – Assessment of the quality of the pilot courses and the results of the educational process. Pilot implementation of accessible Distance Education courses in partner countries and assessment of the quality of the pilot courses and the results of the educational processits in terms of adequacy, satisfaction and learning results. Implementation of three (3) pilot accessible DE courses with SwD (RES5) at three (3) european countries (Greece, Spain. Germany). Development of “Guide for DE programs” for implementation of DE courses for SwD.
RES6. Implementation of an online repository of accessible educational material. The uploaded material will be freely available to be downloaded and to be used by any interested party. Initially it will include the accessible material (text books, handouts, presentations, images, maps, diagrams etc.) developed during the project but it could be enriched and built up by registered contributors from the academic community and other bodies specialised on the development and production of accessible educational material.
RES7. Index of Accessibility Units. Development of an electronic Index of related bodies in order for them to be part of the project’s initiative for the creation of an “Accessibility Network” for sharing and promoting derived solutions and support inclusion in HEIs on an international level.
RES8. Educational YouTube videos. Production of educational/instructional videos on development and production of accessible educational material and on the provision of DE courses to SwD.